Most of us have a favorite candy. Whether it’s Milky Way, Werther’s, Kisses, and so forth, we all tend to gravitate toward a particular flavor or type. My mother’s favorite was Snickers. Growing up, my one of my favorites was always the Zero bar, because I loved white chocolate so much. However, the candy that used to put stars in my eyes was Jellybeans! I loooooved Jellybeans. ALL flavors, I was an equal opportunity jellybean eater! And the black ones were my favorites. (Don’t make that face… I loved licorice!) Well, when I was a teenager; God, along with the help of a man by the name of David Klein, created JELLY BELLY’S! Have mercy! Life was good! I simply could not get enough. My first job was at a Wendy’s restaurant and with each paycheck I would go to Dan’s Big Star across the street and buy myself a big ole’ bag! They quickly became my favorite candy and still are to this day! When the world of Harry Potter introduced “Bertie Bott’s Every Flavored Beans” I related them to Jelly Belly’s and devoured them as well. Even the “vomit”or “bogie” flovored ones, (They didn’t really taste like vomit or bogies, LOL).
Fast forward to 2020. When the pandemic hit, and the airline industry came to a screeching halt, I became very productive with my writing. My A.D.D. crutch was to munch while I write. At first, I grabbed a jar of almonds and nibbled as I wrote. Then an advertisement for Easter candy reminded me that I loved Jelly Belly’s. My next grocery order included my favorite candy… and a tradition began. Now when I sit down to write I always have a bowl of Jelly Belly’s by my side. Granted, it doesn’t help my constant calorie counting efforts, but I count them in with everything else and just adjust my calorie budget elsewhere.
On a flight from Houston to Denver, the other day, a couple sitting in first class brought the crew Jelly Belly’s they’d gotten in our company’s Premium Lounge. Oooooh … Lawd! They had filled two paper coffee cups full and gave them to us as they came on board. I promptly gave the rest of the crew one cup and kept the other for myself. Fortunately, they didn’t mind and even laughed at my love of Jelly Belly’s. By the end of the flight, my cup was empty (of course, it was, LOL). The wonderful flight attendant working up front with me realized my cup was empty and gave me the rest of the cup he and the rest of the crew had been munching from. He is my new best friend, by the way. LOL
As writers, we tend to have little steps, procedures, if you will, that we use to get ourselves prepared to create. Mine is that my home, especially the area where I write must be clean and free from distractions (it’s my A.D.D.). My desk must be set up in a specific order with my research on my right side and any edits on the left. I also need some sort of beverage (preferably sparkling water) … and, of course, my Jelly Belly’s.

Donna Fera
AuthorDonna Fera‘s writing invites readers to explore unknown worlds alongside courageous heroes as they face thrilling challenges and uncover hidden secrets. With a Bachelor of Arts in History and Anthropology from University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Donna is able to take her readers on amazing journeys that draw upon her background in research and learning practices. Combined with her experience in the airline industry and special projects, Donna creates stories that captivate readers with their combination of organizational detail and customer service resolution. Join Donna on this remarkable journey!