I am so sorry for taking so long to post a new BLOG! The beginning of 2024 has been a wild ride already!
I just recently received word that my transfer back east has been processed and as of March 1st, I will no longer be flying out of Denver, CO, but from Washington D.C. instead. There are many reasons for this move, none of which reflect poorly on Colorado. It is beautiful here and I have made numerous colleague friends. But unfortunately, that is where it stops. While I have a few people I hang out with outside of work, I didn’t make the friends here I had hoped to. I began missing my family immensely and the friends I have back east. I tried to have a pet to ease that loneliness, but it simply wasn’t fair to my sweet Archie that his pet human was gone so much.
Being a flight attendant doesn’t allow for much of a social life …and dating? Well, that is nearly non-existent. Unfortunately, its ether “have a social life” or “make money.” And well I chose money at the moment.
Where will I move to back east? Well, I’m not entirely sure as yet. I have a few options. I can either move to D.C. and not commute (Which is definitely an upside) … or I can live in North Carolina and commute the rest of my career. I would be closer to family and friends, not to mention, my publisher is there as well… but that commute is a bugger!
So, I will be moving back east soon. I am just not sure when or where. But as soon as I have that page written, I will let you all know!

Donna Fera
AuthorDonna Fera‘s writing invites readers to explore unknown worlds alongside courageous heroes as they face thrilling challenges and uncover hidden secrets. With a Bachelor of Arts in History and Anthropology from University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Donna is able to take her readers on amazing journeys that draw upon her background in research and learning practices. Combined with her experience in the airline industry and special projects, Donna creates stories that captivate readers with their combination of organizational detail and customer service resolution. Join Donna on this remarkable journey!